Banner Magic
Spotted the new banner ?
Its a picture of Ned and Chuck that has been edited to perfection!
Please don't use this exclusive banner on your site without asking for permission from us first.
George of the Jungle !
On the 15th of November 2009 , George Hamilton (also known as Ned's Father) started appearing on the British version of I'm' a Celebrity ....Get Me out of here!
It is airing on ITV1 (The same channel that showed Daisies months back...) every night at the (usual) time of 9pm - But don't quote us on it !!!
He is called a 'Hollywood Legend' on the show and has survived 2 public vote offs.
The other celebs have named him as 'The Life and Soul of the Party'.
On one episode the contestants had to sit in a boat and guess when a hour had passed.
Most contestants counted and George sat there and sung a song.
He won the challenge after guessing it being a hour with the guess of 59minutes and 58seconds !
He wasn't even counting and the contestants that were counting missed the target of a hour , by minutes !
He's also second to win in the bookies eyes to (just behind Gino D'Campo- q Italian chef camp mate.) Below is a picture of him talking to friend Stuart Manning of Hollyoaks fame in the jungle.

The Golden Episode News
Last week there was no Part Three of Round One of THE GOLDEN EPISODE .
In addition to this , this week there will be Part Three and also Part Four (the last two parts of the round.)
Part Three launches today and Part Four on Monday - the voting closes next Sunday for both - So you have plenty time to vote.
Here is the Contestants this week ...
Round One , Part Three
Bitches (Season 1 , Episode 6)
"My Wife Did It." claims the murdered man.
Murder Mystery solved , right ? Not when the dog-breeding hubby had four wives!

Corpsicle (Season 1, Episode 9)
Fright Christmas : Dead insurance adjusters pop out of snowy graves all over town.

Oh ... Oh ... Oh ... It's Magic ! (Season 2 , Episode 6)
One By One , a magician's animal assistants bite the dust ... permanently. Then , abracadabra the magician is gone.

Comfort Food (Season 2, Episode 8)
Murder is on the menu when famed chicken chief Colonel Likkin turns up deep fried and extra crispy.

The Norwiegens (Season 2, Episode 10)
Vivian sets Norway's savviest Sherlock's on Dwight's trail. But will Scandinavians snoop out the real scoop on Ned?

Kerplunk (Season 2, Episode 13)
The Darling Mermaid Darlings come out of retirement , and the gang investigates murder at a traveling aquatics show.

Ohh... it's a tough one - but which will win your vote ?
Remember to tell friends and family , other websites , fan-fics (that are associated with Pushing Daisies) to vote , because your vote counts.
See ya' soon,
Happy Voting.
the new banner is pretty cool. good work!