About Aquacade

Aquacade is a blog based on the highly acclaimed TV show , Pushing Daisies. This blog has now been closed but your still very welcome to have a look around !

Friday, 30 October 2009


Hi Aquacade readers ,

I am happy to now present to you ...


'The Golden Episode'. Basically , in a nutshell , before Aquacade closes down we will be reuniting all Daisies fans one last time , so we can find ... The Golden Episode.

Basically each week there will be choices (eg. Corpcicle , Pie-lette , Bad Habits and Frescorts) and you have to pick out of those episodes your favourite.

Then when it has been narrowed down hugely to under ten , we shall have a semi finals followed by the final.

This is the last chance to show your appreciation for a show that once was.

Lines open on the first of November and the final will be on the 20th December.

And Finally ...
We are very proud to announce* that KRISTIN CHENOWETH picked up the BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS award at the EMMYS during September. We will be posting videos and images from her big night (including her speech!) , so stick with us !!

*Sorry about the News being so late.